Data Privacy Day 2017: Value & Protect Your Personal Information

January 28 marked Data Privacy Day 2017, an international effort to promote awareness about respecting privacy, safeguarding data, and enabling trust. While they may have been hesitant initially, healthcare organizations have started to fully embrace cloud technology. In fact, a recent survey by HIMSS Analytics found that 83% of healthcare organizations are currently using cloud-based applications. Furthermore, the cloud computing market in healthcare is expected to grow at a 20.5% compound annual growth rate to reach $9.48 billion by 2020.

Phishing Guide: Don’t Take The Bait

If you use email, it’s likely you have come across a scam attempting to trick you into giving them important personal information such as your social security number, passwords, or credit card numbers. These emails at a glance will seem trustworthy and sent from what looks like a website you frequently visit or a mailing list you’re subscribed to. When you’re quickly skimming through emails, it is easy to miss the small tell-tale signs of this trap, known as a phishing scam. Although these hackers are crafty, there are several things to look for to make sure you don’t take the bait.

Why You Need A Disaster Recovery Plan

You’ve heard about it happening to other businesses, but it won’t happen to yours, right? Maybe your business has multiple locations or you’re nowhere near the path of a hurricane. It is easy to believe that your data is safe. The fact of the matter is, every business will at some point experience a data loss. The only way you can avoid it, no matter your company size or location, is to have a plan in place to evade and recover from a disaster.

Windows 7: No Longer Meeting the Requirements of Modern Technology

Let the countdown begin. Three years from now on January 14, 2020, Microsoft will end their extended support for Windows 7. However, Microsoft recommends that you upgrade sooner rather than later, especially if you are a business user. Windows 7 can no longer keep up with current security requirements leaving many businesses still using this… Continue reading Windows 7: No Longer Meeting the Requirements of Modern Technology

Strategies For Getting Yourself Promoted

Do you feel it’s time for you to climb the corporate ladder? If it seems the progression in your career isn’t at the speed you anticipated, it may be time to internalize these simple but effective tips. In this day and age, simply doing good work will not be enough to get you noticed. Employees have to build and manage their own career paths. So let’s take charge and make it happen.

A Smart What? The Tech Predictions for 2017 Series: Internet of Things

Welcome to 2017 and the next installment in our series on tech predictions for the year. You may have heard about the recent Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The CES is one of the largest events showcasing the latest gadgets and advancements that will soon become available to the public. It’s become the first glance at the latest in Internet of Things. IoT is better known as all of the smart devices that are making your environment more connected to your phone or tablet. These items are growing in popularity, and items such as the Google Home Voice Command Device have even made the news. IoT are fun and advanced items, but are they for you?

What Harper Reed Has to Say About Managing Stress

Harper Reed, Director of Software Development for PayPal, is an engineer, a leader, and may have been correct when he described himself as “Probably one of the coolest guys ever.” Reed wrote his first code at 6-years-old under the glow of an Apple IIC computer. He is most known for his work on 2012’s “Project… Continue reading What Harper Reed Has to Say About Managing Stress

Guidelines for a Compliant Business Associate Agreement

There may be times when organizations in the healthcare industry need to use the services of other businesses to carry out certain functions. HIPAA regulations allow providers to disclose protected health information to these business associates. A written compliant contract between the business associate and the covered entity, known as a Business Associate Agreement, will… Continue reading Guidelines for a Compliant Business Associate Agreement