Announcement – Crossroads Blog Has New Location

As of June 23rd, 2017 the technology, security, compliance, and business strategy blogs have moved to the updated Crossroads Technologies website.

Satya Nadella’s Advice On Leadership

Satya Nadella was selected as CEO of Microsoft in February of 2014, and since then he has brought about tremendous changes. Not only has he created success in many unexpected ways for the company, but he’s recreated Microsoft for its employees. They went from feeling pressured to compete with one another to feeling valued and unified, working to empower all towards innovation. So what is it about Nadella that makes them want to follow him?

Leadership Practices That Inspire Others

Leadership is an important function of management. The motivational tactic of dangling a carrot on a stick is no longer as effective as it once was. Leaders need to learn to inspire others. The ability to motivate your employees helps to complete tasks but by inspiring them you will see organizational goals exceeded.

How To Develop An Enterprise Big Data Strategy

An enterprise Big Data strategy allow businesses to understand consumer behavior, decrease operational expenses, and increase ROI. Adopting this business strategy is difficult due to the sheer amount of data available. These numbers are expected to double every two years according to the 2012 study from the International Data Corporation.

How To Avoid Burnout In The Workplace

What is burnout? Many of us are familiar with this psychological response to constant stress. Burnout is the point of complete physical or emotional exhaustion, often due to prolonged occupational difficulties. Merriam-Webster provides an interesting and more technical perspective of burnout. It defines it as, “the time when a jet or rocket engine stops working because there is no more fuel available.”

Why You Should Pay Attention To The 2016 Increase In HIPAA Enforcements

HIPAA enforcement increased dramatically in 2016. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) collected $23 million in fines compared to the $7.4 million in 2014. This record breaking year also saw the single largest fine administered by HIPAA to Advocate Health Care System of $5.5 million. Shortly after the Memorial Healthcare System was fined $5.5 million.

What Niklas Zennstrom Has Learned About Entrepreneurship

“Entrepreneurs are by nature curious people,” Niklas Zennstrom told Foreign Affairs Magazine. The incredibly prosperous co-founder of Skype has learned a number of things about entrepreneurship, including what qualities are necessary in order to be successful. The 51-year-old Swedish founder is a role model in the tech industry because of his goal for technology to permeate all of society. While he acknowledges the enormous advantages Silicon Valley presents for start-up companies, Zennstrom states: “Talent can pop up anywhere in the world, it’s not just on one city block.” Below are a few of his suggestions that are conducive to starting a successful business.

Why You Should Be Investing In Employee Development

A well-trained and self-assured employee is going to do better work for you. Yet some employers have a hard time viewing employee development programs as anything but a waste of time or money. However, investing in the further education of your employees actually pays off in the long run. We’ve outlined three reasons why investing in the future of your employees through continuing education and training is an important and profitable decision for your business.

5 Ways To Stay Productive In The Workplace

Everyone gets distracted from time to time and loses focus. Some people even find their motivation declines throughout the winter months. If you feel like you have trouble staying focused at work there are a few things you can do to increase your concentration. We’ve outlined five ways to stay productive in the workplace.

5 Reasons Your Business Should Be Using Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is useful in improving the sales, marketing and customer service areas of your business. Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a powerful enterprise application that every company should take advantage of. We’ve compiled five reasons you should be utilizing Microsoft Dynamics CRM to optimize your customer relationships.